Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Call for Feedback!!

As we enjoy a few weeks of summer vacation, now is a great opportunity to reflect on last school year.  One new thing I implemented last year was utilizing technology to communicate with parents and the community about our classroom news.  Our third grade class had a twitter account and blog to update parents in real time, as well as have weekly updates, much like our traditional Friday newsletter.  One of my own reflections is that I wish the blog had been more interactive; in other words, I would have liked to have seen some responses or feedback when we posted news or information on the blog.  Here is a direct opportunity for you to help me out- what are some of your comments, criticisms, or congrats about our blog last year?  What do you think I could change to make it more user-friendly for parents?  What did you like about the blog, that you think I should continue next year?  Please post your thoughts in the comments below- I want to know what you are thinking as I begin to prepare for a new year, new class, and lots of new experiences!  Thank you in advance for your feedback!  :)